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My dad is making my life miserable [19M]

I’m new to Reddit and this community so i don’t know if this is the sort of post you all want to see but oh well. This is going to be a very long post so apologies.
So a bit of context.. my mum and dad divorced when I was about a year old and I lived with my mum and her boyfriend and then went to my dads every other weekend, sometimes every weekend. I had quite a tough childhood as my mums boyfriend/essentially my stepdad, basically used to bully me. Was rarely physical but emotionally damaging for me. For example I’d get sent to bed at 5 o clock as a “punishment” for doing nothing wrong, if I came back from my dads I wouldn’t be allowed to speak to my mum and would have to go straight to bed, had my school stuff thrown into the garden and left there overnight. He used to take advantage of my mum being out the house and bully me until I had to ring my dad in tears. I had a younger brother and younger sister and was treated very differently to them as they were his kids, which I believe is this reason he took a disliking towards me. Lots of different things. Either way it was a miserable experience for me and still affects me to this day. When I was 12 my mum was diagnosed with cancer which was terminal however I was never told it was terminal and was always lead to believe that she would survive it. As I was quite young I was naive and wasn’t really sure how cancer worked etc. About a year later when I was 13 she passed away, which was a huge shock to me as I was never told how bad it was whilst everyone else was able to prepare for it. I had to stay with my stepdad for the remainder of my school year which was awful as the bullying obviously got worse now my mum wasn’t around anymore. But once I finished my school year I went to live with my dad and had to move schools as he lived in another city about an hour away.
As I hated my life at home when I was living with my stepdad, I thought this would be a fresh start and I could start to enjoy my life, however, I was wrong. I settled into my new school very quickly, made a few friends but never really felt like I fitted in. They would all go out after school but I couldn’t because my dad was weird about it. This is the first sign that things were going to be tough with him but at the time I didn’t think anything of it. For the first 3 years of school I didn’t see my friends once out of school. I wasn’t allowed to play online with them on my PlayStation as my dad wouldn’t let me. It was at the end of my last school year when I was 16 when I decided I’ve had enough and told my dad I’m going out with my friends whether he liked it or not. He agreed to let me but I had to be back at 6:45 every time I went out (weird I know). He said this was because he cooked dinner at this time and I always had to eat with him. Whenever I came back from seeing my friends I would get interviewed my dad about it, asking me question after question about where I was, who I was with, what I was doing even though I had already told him this before I left. If he didn’t question me I’d get probing questions such as “were you really doing that for that long?” In a suspicious voice. This still happens to this day and i am now 19.
He controls every aspect of my life. I have to do everything with him, I can’t leave my house to go and see friends before about 2 o clock because I was made to eat lunch with him before I could go out. If I wanted to go out after school or college he would often say “only if you walk the dogs first” even though he has been at home doing nothing all day because that’s what he does, he doesn’t work and spends 90% of his life watching tv. Everything was on his terms and I didn’t have a say in anything I did. He decided for me that I’m going to college after I’d finished school and I didn’t even get a say in that. I didn’t want to do that because none of my friends went there and I preferred to do an apprenticeship. But no, it was his way or no way. I was being treated like a little kid and still am to this day. I’m 19 now and I still have to be in at 6:45 as we apparently have to eat together although I’m convinced it’s just an excuse for him controlling me and stopping me staying out late.
I got a girlfriend when I was 17, she’s been my girlfriend for over a year and he doesn’t know about her because of how controlling and weird he is especially about that sort of thing. I had a girlfriend before that briefly and I only told him about her because I had to travel far to see her. And he was very weird about it and almost had a go at me for getting a girlfriend. “Where did you meet her?” In an angry voice. “I want you to focus on college”. Constantly being judgemental about it and made me feel guilty about it. This put me off even wanting a girlfriend for a while until I met my current girlfriend who he still doesn’t know about because of his reaction last time. It bothers her a lot and I know you’ll all be thinking I’m a horrible person for that and tbh I agree because she doesn’t deserve that, but I just can’t bring myself to say it. It sounds pathetic but the fact that I know he’ll react badly combined with my really bad anxiety that I’ve developed over the last few years (mainly due to him), I can’t bring myself to do it. I keep my entire life away from home private from him. If I buy new clothes I don’t tell him because he’s had a go at me for that in the past and made me feel guilty about that before because apparently he should be doing that. And then I get called “sneaky” and made to feel like I’m the weird one when I literally can’t even buy myself some new clothes without telling him exactly what I’m going to buy or he’ll get angry at me. If I go out with a bag I’ll get questioned on what’s in the bag as if I’m some sort of drug dealer, to the point where he was stood shouting at me saying “what’s in the bag” over and over again. To the point where I have to leave my bag outside and get it when he goes upstairs etc just to avoid being questioned. Again this still happens now. He even once quizzed me about why I’d took my bag to work which we literally have to do in case there’s things we have to take home. If I go out with friends or with my girlfriend (he thinks I’m meeting friends as obviously he doesn’t know about her) and I go somewhere different to where I usually go I’ll get a huge lecture about him having to know “exactly where I am at all times”.
I thought all of this would stop when I reached 18 as that is when I became an adult but if anything it got worse. Until recently I would come home from school or college and find the entire contents of my bedroom scattered across my floor with him shouting at me saying my bedroom is “an absolute mess” even though it rarely ever was. This would happen at least once a week and has only stopped recently because we are in lockdown due to covid. I got a part time job last year at a bookmakers as his friend is the manager there and basically got me the job. However all he has done since I got it is make digs at me about it, saying “you don’t want to work there all your life” and constantly criticise it even though it was him who pushed me to get the job. I have a season ticket at the football (soccer for any Americans here, I’m English) and if I had to miss the odd game because of work which I could do nothing about, he’d go absolutely crazy at me saying he’ll cancel my season ticket, make nasty comments about my job etc. For my birthday we would go and choose shoes for example, and if I liked a pair he would look disgusted and say “are you sure..?” And then would pick some other ones out and say “these are nice you’re having these” and not even give me a choice. So I’ve realised he’s very controlling; I think he hates the fact I’m growing up and that’s why he tries to control me. But that’s not all.
He’s also got more and more toxic towards me as I’ve grown up. I do a lot of chores around the house, more than anyone I know. Which on its own is understandable as it’s just me and him, he doesn’t have a wife or partner. So if I’m asked to do things I will always do them without any complaints. However I’ve spoke to my friends and girlfriend about it and they all can’t believe how much he makes me do. All of the horrible jobs such as clearing dog poo out of the garden are assigned to me as he does all the nicer ones. I do that, I mow the grass at the front and back every single time, he never does it. I clean the bathroom all the time, I vacuum, I offer to help cook every single night, I clean the kitchen after he’s cooked and more. This might not seem like a lot but when I have had a 11 hour shift for example at work I will come home and he’ll make me do something that he would usually do just because he can’t be bothered such as take the dogs a walk. Which I really don’t want to do after a long shift. I wouldn’t mind if he’d been busy but he’ll have done absolutely nothing all day. It gets to the point where he’s using me to do jobs whilst he does very little. And the worst part is that he’s started these random outbursts on me for no reason. He’ll have nothing to be angry with me about so he’ll just use a standard line.. “YOU DO NOTHING AROUND THE HOUSE. I DO EVERYTHING” which actually just blows my mind because I do way more than he does. And I will tell him that I do loads around the house and he’ll go “but you could have just done .......” and pick something random as if I’m supposed to have read his mind and known he wanted me to do it. I’ll say why didn’t you tell me to do it then and he’ll shout “I SHOULDN’T HAVE TO ASK”. This argument has started to happen about once week. I have suffered from depression over the last year or two, especially a few months ago when we first got quarantined and weren’t allowed out the house. And I genuinely believe this is largely down to him and how he treats me. There was one day in particular that I remember where he was having a go at me about everything for no reason when I already felt depressed, to the point where I had a massive breakdown in front of him. I thought this may change how he acts with me but a few weeks later and he goes back to his normal self. I can’t even get changed in the morning without him smashing the dishes around and shouting at me for doing “nothing around the house” just because he’s decided to do the dishes when he knows I haven’t even been downstairs yet. I think he does it deliberately to give him a reason to shout at me. Although I do feel depressed sometimes, it comes and goes, I’ll feel very depressed for a few weeks and then feel okay for a few weeks, it’s my anxiety that remains really bad. I was always a shy person but not anxious to this extent. When I wake up I feel anxious to even go downstairs in case he starts on me. If I come home from being out I will feel anxious as soon as I leave to come home. I find myself literally shaking because of my anxiety around him. He makes me feel so uneasy. I can’t have a normal conversation with him about anything, can’t have a joke with him in case he reacts badly. He’s in what seems like a constant bad mood with me, every conversation we have has to be formal. I’m not allowed to swear or even say words such as “crap”, whilst he swears a lot. The only time I don’t feel anxious is when I’m with my girlfriend or my friends and even then I worry that he’ll call me and ask what I’m doing. I even can’t wait to go to work some days even though it is really boring, because I want to get out of the house to relieve my anxiety. Now we’re in lockdown it’s even worse as I can only leave the house once to go for a walk, and I can only be out about an hour or he’ll start questioning me and saying I’m being sneaky. He doesn’t respect my privacy at all, I don’t feel like I have any time to myself and it’s really starting to impact on my mental health. I can’t play on my PlayStation with my friends until he’s gone to sleep because he shouts me to go downstairs every 10 minutes to “help” with something and then I won’t even have to do anything and will just stand there. Or I’ll have to go and look at a new car he wants even though he knows I’m not interested. He doesn’t give me any time to myself at all and at 19 that really pisses me off. He treats me like a kid and I’ve been an adult for over a year. I constantly feel like I’m treading on eggshells around him, he’s so passive aggressive and childish it’s actually embarrassing. I find him pathetic if I’m being honest.
He’s also very narcissistic I’ve noticed. He has to have “the best” everything. Even if he’s struggling for money he’ll choose to buy a new car rather than focus on saving money. I have had barely any money spent on me since I’ve lived with him at all, yet he’s spend thousands and thousands on himself. Now I’m earning money he regularly asks to borrow money of up to £5000 so that he can pay his credit cards off because he’s got himself into a mess financially because he spends so much money on silly things such as a £700 coffee machine. Lol. Oh yeah, and probably the worst thing of all, his dad left me £20,000 for me when he died in his will, for my dad to give me to me for him when I turned 18, for a new car or University fees etc. However, my dad spent every single penny of it on new cars and things for him and acts like it’s not a big deal, and always says “you’ll get it eventually” even though I know I’ll never see it. Which I believe I could take him to court over but I never would unless our relationship broke down massively or I needed the money.
Sorry for the really long post, if anyone has actually made it this far then I appreciate it a lot. I just don’t know what to do. I’ve even considered therapy due to my mental health. I don’t feel like I can speak to him properly about anything, he’s never acted like a father to me but more of a stranger who just happens to live with me. So it’s not like I can just talk to him about this because I really don’t feel like I can. I’ve never had a personal conversation with him in my life. I bottle up all of my feelings and the only person I can speak to on that level is my girlfriend. I really don’t know what to do because I am sick of living here and would move out if I had enough money. I don’t have a family at all really so staying with them wouldn’t be an option.
I really just feel like I need some proper advice on what to do because my mental health is suffering a lot because of him.
Thanks for taking the time to read this, would appreciate constructive and helpful feedback rather than judgemental feedback👍
submitted by Physical_Butterfly18 to toxicparents [link] [comments]

My dad is making my life miserable [19M]

I’m new to Reddit and this community so i don’t know if this is the sort of post you all want to see but oh well. This is going to be a very long post so apologies.
So a bit of context.. my mum and dad divorced when I was about a year old and I lived with my mum and her boyfriend and then went to my dads every other weekend, sometimes every weekend. I had quite a tough childhood as my mums boyfriend/essentially my stepdad, basically used to bully me. Was rarely physical but emotionally damaging for me. For example I’d get sent to bed at 5 o clock as a “punishment” for doing nothing wrong, if I came back from my dads I wouldn’t be allowed to speak to my mum and would have to go straight to bed, had my school stuff thrown into the garden and left there overnight. He used to take advantage of my mum being out the house and bully me until I had to ring my dad in tears. I had a younger brother and younger sister and was treated very differently to them as they were his kids, which I believe is this reason he took a disliking towards me. Lots of different things. Either way it was a miserable experience for me and still affects me to this day. When I was 12 my mum was diagnosed with cancer which was terminal however I was never told it was terminal and was always lead to believe that she would survive it. As I was quite young I was naive and wasn’t really sure how cancer worked etc. About a year later when I was 13 she passed away, which was a huge shock to me as I was never told how bad it was whilst everyone else was able to prepare for it. I had to stay with my stepdad for the remainder of my school year which was awful as the bullying obviously got worse now my mum wasn’t around anymore. But once I finished my school year I went to live with my dad and had to move schools as he lived in another city about an hour away.
As I hated my life at home when I was living with my stepdad, I thought this would be a fresh start and I could start to enjoy my life, however, I was wrong. I settled into my new school very quickly, made a few friends but never really felt like I fitted in. They would all go out after school but I couldn’t because my dad was weird about it. This is the first sign that things were going to be tough with him but at the time I didn’t think anything of it. For the first 3 years of school I didn’t see my friends once out of school. I wasn’t allowed to play online with them on my PlayStation as my dad wouldn’t let me. It was at the end of my last school year when I was 16 when I decided I’ve had enough and told my dad I’m going out with my friends whether he liked it or not. He agreed to let me but I had to be back at 6:45 every time I went out (weird I know). He said this was because he cooked dinner at this time and I always had to eat with him. Whenever I came back from seeing my friends I would get interviewed my dad about it, asking me question after question about where I was, who I was with, what I was doing even though I had already told him this before I left. If he didn’t question me I’d get probing questions such as “were you really doing that for that long?” In a suspicious voice. This still happens to this day and i am now 19.
He controls every aspect of my life. I have to do everything with him, I can’t leave my house to go and see friends before about 2 o clock because I was made to eat lunch with him before I could go out. If I wanted to go out after school or college he would often say “only if you walk the dogs first” even though he has been at home doing nothing all day because that’s what he does, he doesn’t work and spends 90% of his life watching tv. Everything was on his terms and I didn’t have a say in anything I did. He decided for me that I’m going to college after I’d finished school and I didn’t even get a say in that. I didn’t want to do that because none of my friends went there and I preferred to do an apprenticeship. But no, it was his way or no way. I was being treated like a little kid and still am to this day. I’m 19 now and I still have to be in at 6:45 as we apparently have to eat together although I’m convinced it’s just an excuse for him controlling me and stopping me staying out late.
I got a girlfriend when I was 17, she’s been my girlfriend for over a year and he doesn’t know about her because of how controlling and weird he is especially about that sort of thing. I had a girlfriend before that briefly and I only told him about her because I had to travel far to see her. And he was very weird about it and almost had a go at me for getting a girlfriend. “Where did you meet her?” In an angry voice. “I want you to focus on college”. Constantly being judgemental about it and made me feel guilty about it. This put me off even wanting a girlfriend for a while until I met my current girlfriend who he still doesn’t know about because of his reaction last time. It bothers her a lot and I know you’ll all be thinking I’m a horrible person for that and tbh I agree because she doesn’t deserve that, but I just can’t bring myself to say it. It sounds pathetic but the fact that I know he’ll react badly combined with my really bad anxiety that I’ve developed over the last few years (mainly due to him), I can’t bring myself to do it. I keep my entire life away from home private from him. If I buy new clothes I don’t tell him because he’s had a go at me for that in the past and made me feel guilty about that before because apparently he should be doing that. And then I get called “sneaky” and made to feel like I’m the weird one when I literally can’t even buy myself some new clothes without telling him exactly what I’m going to buy or he’ll get angry at me. If I go out with a bag I’ll get questioned on what’s in the bag as if I’m some sort of drug dealer, to the point where he was stood shouting at me saying “what’s in the bag” over and over again. To the point where I have to leave my bag outside and get it when he goes upstairs etc just to avoid being questioned. Again this still happens now. He even once quizzed me about why I’d took my bag to work which we literally have to do in case there’s things we have to take home. If I go out with friends or with my girlfriend (he thinks I’m meeting friends as obviously he doesn’t know about her) and I go somewhere different to where I usually go I’ll get a huge lecture about him having to know “exactly where I am at all times”.
I thought all of this would stop when I reached 18 as that is when I became an adult but if anything it got worse. Until recently I would come home from school or college and find the entire contents of my bedroom scattered across my floor with him shouting at me saying my bedroom is “an absolute mess” even though it rarely ever was. This would happen at least once a week and has only stopped recently because we are in lockdown due to covid. I got a part time job last year at a bookmakers as his friend is the manager there and basically got me the job. However all he has done since I got it is make digs at me about it, saying “you don’t want to work there all your life” and constantly criticise it even though it was him who pushed me to get the job. I have a season ticket at the football (soccer for any Americans here, I’m English) and if I had to miss the odd game because of work which I could do nothing about, he’d go absolutely crazy at me saying he’ll cancel my season ticket, make nasty comments about my job etc. For my birthday we would go and choose shoes for example, and if I liked a pair he would look disgusted and say “are you sure..?” And then would pick some other ones out and say “these are nice you’re having these” and not even give me a choice. So I’ve realised he’s very controlling; I think he hates the fact I’m growing up and that’s why he tries to control me. But that’s not all.
He’s also got more and more toxic towards me as I’ve grown up. I do a lot of chores around the house, more than anyone I know. Which on its own is understandable as it’s just me and him, he doesn’t have a wife or partner. So if I’m asked to do things I will always do them without any complaints. However I’ve spoke to my friends and girlfriend about it and they all can’t believe how much he makes me do. All of the horrible jobs such as clearing dog poo out of the garden are assigned to me as he does all the nicer ones. I do that, I mow the grass at the front and back every single time, he never does it. I clean the bathroom all the time, I vacuum, I offer to help cook every single night, I clean the kitchen after he’s cooked and more. This might not seem like a lot but when I have had a 11 hour shift for example at work I will come home and he’ll make me do something that he would usually do just because he can’t be bothered such as take the dogs a walk. Which I really don’t want to do after a long shift. I wouldn’t mind if he’d been busy but he’ll have done absolutely nothing all day. It gets to the point where he’s using me to do jobs whilst he does very little. And the worst part is that he’s started these random outbursts on me for no reason. He’ll have nothing to be angry with me about so he’ll just use a standard line.. “YOU DO NOTHING AROUND THE HOUSE. I DO EVERYTHING” which actually just blows my mind because I do way more than he does. And I will tell him that I do loads around the house and he’ll go “but you could have just done .......” and pick something random as if I’m supposed to have read his mind and known he wanted me to do it. I’ll say why didn’t you tell me to do it then and he’ll shout “I SHOULDN’T HAVE TO ASK”. This argument has started to happen about once week. I have suffered from depression over the last year or two, especially a few months ago when we first got quarantined and weren’t allowed out the house. And I genuinely believe this is largely down to him and how he treats me. There was one day in particular that I remember where he was having a go at me about everything for no reason when I already felt depressed, to the point where I had a massive breakdown in front of him. I thought this may change how he acts with me but a few weeks later and he goes back to his normal self. I can’t even get changed in the morning without him smashing the dishes around and shouting at me for doing “nothing around the house” just because he’s decided to do the dishes when he knows I haven’t even been downstairs yet. I think he does it deliberately to give him a reason to shout at me. Although I do feel depressed sometimes, it comes and goes, I’ll feel very depressed for a few weeks and then feel okay for a few weeks, it’s my anxiety that remains really bad. I was always a shy person but not anxious to this extent. When I wake up I feel anxious to even go downstairs in case he starts on me. If I come home from being out I will feel anxious as soon as I leave to come home. I find myself literally shaking because of my anxiety around him. He makes me feel so uneasy. I can’t have a normal conversation with him about anything, can’t have a joke with him in case he reacts badly. He’s in what seems like a constant bad mood with me, every conversation we have has to be formal. I’m not allowed to swear or even say words such as “crap”, whilst he swears a lot. The only time I don’t feel anxious is when I’m with my girlfriend or my friends and even then I worry that he’ll call me and ask what I’m doing. I even can’t wait to go to work some days even though it is really boring, because I want to get out of the house to relieve my anxiety. Now we’re in lockdown it’s even worse as I can only leave the house once to go for a walk, and I can only be out about an hour or he’ll start questioning me and saying I’m being sneaky. He doesn’t respect my privacy at all, I don’t feel like I have any time to myself and it’s really starting to impact on my mental health. I can’t play on my PlayStation with my friends until he’s gone to sleep because he shouts me to go downstairs every 10 minutes to “help” with something and then I won’t even have to do anything and will just stand there. Or I’ll have to go and look at a new car he wants even though he knows I’m not interested. He doesn’t give me any time to myself at all and at 19 that really pisses me off. He treats me like a kid and I’ve been an adult for over a year. He’s also very narcissistic I’ve noticed. He has to have “the best” everything. Even if he’s struggling for money he’ll choose to buy a new car rather than focus on saving money. I have had barely any money spent on me since I’ve lived with him at all, yet he’s spend thousands and thousands on himself. Now I’m earning money he regularly asks to borrow money of up to £5000 so that he can pay his credit cards off because he’s got himself into a mess financially because he spends so much money on silly things such as a £700 coffee machine. Lol. Oh yeah, and probably the worst thing of all, his dad left me £20,000 for me when he died in his will, for my dad to give me to me for him when I turned 18, for a new car or University fees etc. However, my dad spent every single penny of it on new cars and things for him and acts like it’s not a big deal, and always says “you’ll get it eventually” even though I know I’ll never see it. Which I believe I could take him to court over but I never would unless our relationship broke down massively or I needed the money.
Sorry for the really long post, if anyone has actually made it this far then I appreciate it a lot. I just don’t know what to do. I’ve even considered therapy due to my mental health. I don’t feel like I can speak to him properly about anything, he’s never acted like a father to me but more of a stranger who just happens to live with me. So it’s not like I can just talk to him about this because I really don’t feel like I can. I’ve never had a personal conversation with him in my life. I bottle up all of my feelings and the only person I can speak to on that level is my girlfriend. I really don’t know what to do because I am sick of living here and would move out if I had enough money. I don’t have a family at all really so staying with them wouldn’t be an option.
I really just feel like I need some proper advice on what to do because my mental health is suffering a lot because of him.
Thanks for taking the time to read this, would appreciate constructive and helpful feedback rather than judgemental feedback👍
submitted by Physical_Butterfly18 to u/Physical_Butterfly18 [link] [comments]

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aaaarrrrgggghhhh aaargh Aachen Aardman aardvark aardvarks aardwolf Aarhus Aaron Aaronson abacus abandon abandoned abandoning abandonment abandons abase abate abated abatement abating abattoir abattoirs Abba abbacy abberation abbey Abbie abbot abbots abbreviate abbreviated abbreviates abbreviating abbreviation abbreviations Abby abdicate abdicated abdicates abdication abdomen abducted abductees abducting abduction Abdul Abe abed abend abends Aberconwy Abercrombie Aberdare Aberdeen Aberdeenshire Aberfoyle Abernethy aberrant aberration aberrations Aberystwyth abet abetting abeyance abhor abhorred abhorrence abhorrent abhorrently abhorring abhorringly abhors abide abides abiding Abidjan Abigail abilities ability Abingdon abject ablaze able abled ables ablutions ably abnegate abnegated abnegates abnegating abnormal abnormalities abnormality abnormally aboard abode abolish abolishable abolished abolishes abolishing abolishment abolition abolitionary abominable abominal abomination aboriginal Aborigine abort abortable aborted aborting abortion abortionists abortions abortive abortively aborts abound abounded abounds about abouts above abovementioned abracadabra abrade abraded abrades abrading Abraham abrasion abrasions abrasive abrasively abreast abridged abroad abrogate abrogated abrogates abrupt abruptly abscissas abscond absconded absconding absconds absence absences absent absentee absenteeism absentees absentmindedly absinthe absolute absolutely absoluteness absolutist absolve absolved absolves absolving absorb absorbed absorbent absorber absorbing absorbs abstain abstained abstainer abstaining abstains abstention abstentions abstinence abstract abstracted abstracting abstraction abstractions abstractly abstracts abstruse abstrusely absurd absurdities absurdity absurdly ABTA abtruse abundance abundant abundantly abuse abused abuser abusers abuses abuseth abusing abusive abut abutted abutting abysmal abyss acacia academe academia academic academically academicians academics academies academy Acapulco ACAS accede accelerant accelerate accelerated accelerates accelerating acceleration accelerative accelerator accelerators accent accented accents accentuate accentuated accentuates accentuating Accenture accept acceptability acceptable acceptably acceptance acceptances accepted acceptee accepting acceptors accepts access accessed accesses accessing accession accessions accessories accessory accident accidental accidentally accidents acclaim acclaimed acclaiming acclaims acclamation acclamatory accolade accolades accommodate accommodated accommodates accommodating accommodation accommodations accompanied accompanies accompaniment accompany accompanying accomplice accomplices accomplish accomplishable accomplished accomplisher accomplishers accomplishes accomplishing accomplishment accomplishments accord accordance accordant accorded according accordingly accordion accords accost accosted accosting accosts account accountability accountable accountancy accountant accountants accounted accounting accountings accounts accredit accreditation accreditations accredited accrediting accreting accretions accrual accruals accrue accrued accrues accruing Accubyte accumulate accumulated accumulates accumulating accumulation accumulator accumulators accuracies accuracy accurate accurately accursed accursedly accurst accusation accusations accusative accusator accuse accused accuser accuses accusing accustomed ace aced acerbic aces acetone acetyl acetylene ache ached aches achieve achieved achievement achievements achiever achievers achieves achieving Achilles aching achromatic achromatical achromaticaller achromaticallest achromatically achromaticity achromatize achromatized achromatizes achromatizing acid acidic acidity acids acing Acker acknowledge acknowledged acknowledgement acknowledgements acknowledger acknowledges acknowledging acknowledgment Ackroyd acme acne acorn acorns acoustic acoustical acoustically acoustician acousticians acoustics acquaint acquaintance acquaintances acquainted acquaints acquiescence acquifer acquiline acquirable acquire acquired acquirement acquirer acquirers acquires acquiring acquisition acquisitions acquisitive acquisitively acquistions acquit acquittal acquitted acre acreage acres acrimonious acrimoniously acrimony acrobat acrobatic acrobats acronym acronymic acronyms Acropolis across acrylic acrylics act acted acting actions active actively actives Activision activism activist activists activities activity actor actors actress actresses acts actuator acumen acupuncture acupuncturists acyclic Ada adage adages Adam adamant adamantly Adams Adamson adapt adaptability adaptable adaptation adaptations adapted adaptee adapter adapters adapting adaption adaptions adaptive adaptively adaptor add addable Addams added addend addenda addends addendum addendums adder adders addict addicted addicting addiction addictions addictive addicts Addie Addis Addis Ababa Addiscombe addresser adds adduce adduced Adelaide Adele Adenauer adenoidal adherance adhere adhered adherents adheres adhering adhesion adhesive adhesives Adidas adieu adios adjacently adjacents adjective adjectives adjoin adjoined adjoining adjoins adjourn adjourned adjourning adjournment adjudged adjudicate adjudicating adjudication adjudications adjudicator adjudicators adjunct adjuncts adjuration adjust adjustable adjusted adjuster adjusters adjusting adjustment adjustments adjusts adlib administer administered administering administers administrated administrates administrating administration administrations administrative administratively administratives administrator administrators administrivia admirable admirably admiral admirals admiralty admiration admire admired admirer admires admiring admiringly admission admissions admit admits admittance admitted admittedly admitting admittingly admonish admonished admonishment admonition admonitions admonitorily admonitory ado adolescent Adolphe Adonis adopt adoptable adopted adopter adopters adopting adoption adoptions adoptive adopts adorable adorably adoration adore adored adores adoring adoringly adorn adorned adorning adornment adornments adorns adrenalin adrenaline Adria Adrian Adrianne Adriatic Adrien Adrienne adrift ads adulate adulated adulates adulating adulatingly adulation adulatory adult adultery adulthood adults advance advanced advancement advancements advances advancing advantage advantaged advantageous advantageously advantageousness advantages advent adventure adventurer adventurers adventures adventurous adverb adverbial adversarial adversaries adversary adverse adversely adversion adversity advert advertised advertisement advertisements advertiser advertisers advertises advertising adverts advice advisability advisable advise advised advisee adviser advisers advises advising advisor advisories advisors advisory advocacy advocate advocated advocates advocating aerated aerial aerialist aerials aerobic aerobics Aeroflot aerosol aerosols Aeschylus Aesop afar afeared affix affixed affixes affixing Afghan Afghanistan aflame afloat afoot afore aforementioned aforesaid afoul afresh Africa African Africana Africans aft afterburners afternoon afternoons aftersales aftershave aftershocks afterthought afterward afterwards Aga Agamemnon agar Agassi Agatha Agathas age aged agedly ageing ageism ageist ageless agelessness agencies agency agenda agendas agent agentless agents ages Agfa Aggie agglomeration aggrandisement aggravated aggravates aggravating aggravation aggravations aggregatability aggregatable aggregate aggregated aggregates aggregating aggregation aggregations aggregators aggregrated aggregration aggressed aggresses aggressing aggression aggressions aggressive aggressively aggressiveness aggressor aggro aghast Agia Agia Napa agile agility Agip agleam aglimpse Agnes Agnew agnostic ago agonies agonising agonisingly agonizes agonizing agony agoraphobia agoraphobic agrarian agrichemicals aground Aguilera ah aha Ahab ahas ahead ahem ahh Ahmed ahoy Aida Aiello Aiken aikido ail ailed Aileen ailing ailment ailments ails Ailsa aim aimed aiming aimless aimlessly aims air airbag airborne airbrick airbricks airbrush airbrushed Airbus aircraft aircrash Aire aired Airedale airfare airfield airfoil airforce airgun airhead airheads airily airing airless airline airliner airliners airlines airlock airmail airmen airplane airplanes airplay airport airports airs airspace airstrikes airstrip airtight airtime airwaves airway airways airy aisle aisled aisles aitch Aiwa Ajax akin Akira Al Alabama alacrity Aladdin Alain Alan Alaric alarm alarmed alarming alarmingly alarmist alarmists alarms alas Alasdair Alaska Alaskan Albania Albanian Albanians Albans Albany albatross albedo albeit Albert Alberta Alberto Albertus Alboreto Albright album albums Albuquerque Alcatel Alcatraz alchemists alchemy alcohol alcoholic alcoholics alcoholism alcove alder Alderhey alderman Aldermaston Aldersgate Aldershot Alderton Aldgate Aldrin Aldus Aldwick Aldwych ale aleatory Aled alehouse aleph alert alertable alerted alerter alerters alerting alertness alerts ales Alesi Alessandro alewife Alex Alexa Alexander Alexandra Alexandria Alexandrian Alexandrine Alexei Alexey Alexis Alf Alfa alfalfa Alfred algae algebra algebraic algebraical algebraically algebraist algebraists Algeria Algerian Algernon Algiers ALGOL algorithm algorithmic algorithmically algorithms alibi Alice Alicia Alighieri align alignable aligned aligning alignment alignments aligns alike alimentary alimony Alisdair Alison Alistair Alister alkali alkaline alkalinity alkalis all Allah Allan allay allayed alledgedly allegation allegations allege alleged allegedly alleges allegiance allegiances alleging allegory allegro Allen Allentown allergens allergic allergies allergy alleviate alleviated alleviates alleviating alleviation alley alleys alleyway alleyways alliance alliances allied allies Alligata alligator alligators Allison alliteration allocate allocated allocates allocating allocation allocations allocator allocators allot alloted allotment allotments allotted allotting allow allowability allowable allowably allowance allowanced allowances allowancing allowed allowedly allowing allows alloy alloys allude alluded alludes alluding allure alluring allusion allusions ally allying alm Alma almanac almanack almanacs almost alms almshouse almshouses aloe aloft aloha alone aloneness alongs alongside aloof aloud Aloysius alpaca alpha alphabet alphabetic alphabetical alphabetically alphabeticals alphabetics alphabetised alphabets alphanumeric alphanumerical alphanumerically alphanumerics Alphonse Alresford Alsace Alsatians also Altavista altercations alternate alternated alternately alternates alternating alternation alternations alternative alternatively alternatives alternator alters although alto Altoids Alton Altrincham altruism altruistic altruistically alum aluminium aluminum alumni alumnus Alvin always Alyssa Alzheimer Alzheimerian am Amadeus amalgam amalgamate amalgamated amalgamation amalgamations Amanda Amanpreet Amati amaze amazed amazedly amazement amazes amazing amazingly Amazon ambassador ambassadors amber ambience ambient ambiguate ambiguities ambiguity ambiguous ambiguously ambition ambitions ambitious ambitiously ambivalence amble ambled ambler ambles Ambleside Ambra Ambrose ambulance ambulances ambulatory ambush ambushed Amelia Amelie ameliorate ameliorated ameliorating amelioration ameliorative amen amenable America American Americana Americanism Americanized Americans Amerigo Amersham amethyst Amiga Amigas amigo amigos Amin amity Amman ammonia ammonium amnesia amoeba amok amongs amongst amounted amounting amp Ampex amphetamine amply amps amputated amputation amputative amputees Amsterdam Amstrad Amtrak amulet amuse amused amusement amusements amuses amusing amusingly Amy an anabolic anachronism anachronistic anachronistically anaconda anaemia anaemic anaerobic anaesthesia anaesthetic anaglyph anagram anagrams anal analagous analgesics anally analog analyse analysed analyser analyses analysing analysis analyst analysts analytic analytical analytically analytics analyzable analyzation analyze analyzed analyzer analyzers analyzes analyzing anamorphically Ananova anarchic anarchist anarchistic anarchists anarchy Anastasia anasthetic anathema Anatole Anatolian Anatoly anatomic anatomical anatomically anatomies anatomist anatomy ancestor ancestors ancestral ancestrally ancestry anchor Anchorage anchored anchoring anchors anchovies anchovy ancient Anco and andante Anders Andersen Anderson Andersson Anderton Andes Andi Andorra Andover Andre Andrea Andreas Andretti Andrew Andrews Andrey Andries andromeda andromedae Andropov Andy anecdotal anecdote anecdotes Aneurin anew Anfield Angband angel Angela angelic Angelos Angelou Angharad Angie angina angler anglers Anglia Anglian angling Angmering Angola angostura angrier angrily angry angst Anguilla anguish anguished anguishes angular angularity angularly angulate angulated angulately angulates angulating angulation Angus animal animalistic animals animate animated animates animating animation animations animator animators animist animosity animus aniseed Anita Ankara ankle ankles Ann Anna Annabel Annabell Annabella Annabelle Annalee annals Anne annealed annealing Anneka Annemarie Annetta Annette annex annexe annexed annexes Annie annihilable annihilate annihilated annihilates annihilating annihilation annihilative annihilator anniversary Annmarie annoints annotate annotated annotates annotating annotation annotations annotator announce announced announcement announcements announcer announcers announces announcing annoy annoyance annoyances annoyed annoying annoyingly annoys annual annually annuity annul annulated annulled annulling annulment annuls annunciation anode anointing anomalies anomalous anomaly anon anorak anorexics another Ansaphone Anselm Anselmo ANSI answerers ant Antarctic Antarctica anteater anteaters antelope antenna antennae antennas Anthea anthem anthologies anthology Anthony anthropoid anthropoids anthropological anti antichrist anticlimax anticlogging anticompetitive antidependencies antidiarrheals antidote antidotes antiemetics antiflatulent antiflatulents antifungal antifungals antigen antigens Antigua antihistamines antihypertensives Antilles antimatter Antioch Antipodes antitoxins antitussives Antoinette Anton Antonia Antonin Antonio Antony antonym Antrim Antwerp Anubis anus anvil anvils anxieties anxiety anxious anxiously any anybody anyhow anything anythings anytime anyway anywhere Anzio AOL aorta Apache Apaches apart apartheid apathy ape aperiodic apes apex aphrodisiac aphrodite apiary apogee apolitical Apollo Apollon apology apostrophe apostrophes Appalachian appalled appalling appallingly Appaloosa apparatchiks apparatus apparel apparent apparently apparition appedices appellation appendicies appetising Appian applaud applauded applauding applause apple Appledram Appleman appoints appraisal appraisals appraise appraised appraising apprenticeship apprise apprised approbation approx apricot apricots April apron aprons apropos apse apt aptly Apu Apuldram aqua Aquafresh aquamarine aquarium aquariums Aquinas Arab arabesque Arabia Arabian Arabic Arabs arachnid arachnids arachnophilia Aramis Araya arbiter arbiters arbitrarily arbitrary Arbuckle arc arcade arcades arcadian arch archaeologist archer archers archery Archie archipelago archipelagous architect architected architecting architectress architects architectural architecturally architecture architectured architectures archivist archivists arcs Arctic Arden Ardennes are area areas Aretha Argentina Argentine Argentinian Argonaut Argonauts Argos arguably argumentative Argyleshire aria arias arid aridity Ariolasoft Aristophanes Aristotle arithmetics Arizona ark Arkansas Arlene Arlington Arlo armadillo Armagh Armand Armani Armco Armenia Armenian Armenians armistice armor armory armrest Arnault Arnie Arnold Arnoux aroma aromas aromatherapist aromatherapy arouses arousing arraignments Arrakis arrest arrogantly arrow arrowed arrowhead arrowheads arrowing arrows arrrrrrgh arse arsed arsehole arseholes arsenic arsenide Arsenio arsonist art arterial arteries artesian Artex artform arthritis Arthur articulates artifices artist artless Arturo Arun Arundel Arundle as asbestos asbestosis Ascari ascender ascenders Ascentia ASCII Ascot ascribes Ashby Ashford Ashley Ashton ashtray ashtrays Asia Asian Asians Asiatic aside asides Asimov asinine askance asked askew asking asks asp asphyxiation Aspinall aspirin aspiring aspirins asps Asquith ass assail assailable assailant assailants assailed assailing assails assassin assassinate assassinated assassinates assassination assassins assault assaulted assaulting assaults assorted assymetrical Astaire asterisk asterisked asterisks Asterix asteroid asteroids asthma asthmatic asthmatics Aston astral astronaut astronautic astronautical astronautically astronautics astronauts astronavigator astronavigators astronomer astronomers astronomic astronomical astronomy astrophysical astrophysicist astrophysics asymmetries asynchronicity at Atari Ataris atavism ate atheist Athelney Athena Athene Athens Athos Atkinson Atlanta Atlantic Atlantis atlas atmosphere atmospheric atoll atolls atonal Atreides atrium attacks attain attainable attainably attempt attemptable attempted attempter attempting attempts Attenborough attentively attenuations attenuator attenuators attest attestation attic attics attracting attraction attractions attractive attractively attractiveness attractor attractors attracts attributable attributably attribute attributed attributes attributing attribution attributions attributively attrition attune atypical Auberon Aubrey auburn Auckland Audi audible audience audiences audio Audiogenic Audioline audition Audrey augmentations august Augusta Augustus aunt auntie aunts aura aural Aureate aureole Auriol Aussie Aussies Austen austere austerity Austin Australasia Australia Australian Australians Australias Austria Austrian authenticability authenticatory author authored authorial authoring Auto Union autogenerating autoloads automatable automatons autopiloting autopilots autopsied autopsies autopsy autoregressive autoresizes autostarted autosuspend autotuning autowrapped availabilities avalanches Avalon avarice avaricious avebury avenger aviator avid avidly Avignon avocado Avon awakes awe awk ax axe axed axes Axminster Aykroyd Aylesbury Aylesford Aylesham Ayo Ayres Ayreshire Ayrshire Ayrton azalea azaleas Azerbaijan Azerbaijani Azerbaijanis Azores Azrael Aztec Aztech Azur azure baa Baal Baan Babani Babbage babble babbled babbles babbling babe Babel baboon Babs Babyliss Babylon Babylonia Babylonians Bacall Baccarat Bacchus Bach Bacharach bacillus Back Orifice backended backhanded backlogging backs backsides backups bacon bacony bacteriological bacteriologist bactrian Baddiel Baden Bader Badminton Badoer baffle baffled baffles baffling BAFTA bagel bagels Baggins Bagginses Baghdad Bahamas Bahrain Baird Bakerloo Bakshi balderdash baldly baldness baldrick Baldur Balearic baleful Balham Bali Balin Balkan Balkanization Balkans ball ballad Ballantine Ballantyne ballistics Ballykissangel Balmoral balsa Baltic Baltimore Balzac Bambi bamboo banal banalities banana Bananarama bananas Banbury bandit Bangalore Bangkok Bangladesh Bangladeshi Bangor banishment banjo Bannerjee Bannister banquet banshee Bantu banyan banyans baptismal Barak Barbados Barbara barbarian barbaric barbarism barbeque Barbie Barbour Barbuda Barcelona Barchester Barclaycard Barclayloan Barclays barcodes bard bards bare bared barefoot barely Barents bares barf barfing barfs bargain bargained bargaining bargains barge bargeboards barged barges barging Barings baritone bark barked barking Barlow barn Barnaby Barnard Barnet Barnham barns Barnsley Barnstaple Barnt barnyard baron baroness barons baroque barracuda barred barrel barrelled barrels barren Barrett barricade barricades Barrichello barrier barriered barriers barring Barrington Barry Barrymore Bart Bartholomew Bartok Basel baseless baselessness BASF Bashir basic basically basics Basie basil Basildon basilisk Basingstoke basis bask basker Baskerville basket basketball basketballers baskets basking basque bass basser basses bassett bassist bassists bassoon bassoonist bassy bastard bastardish bastardising bastardized bastards basted Bastille bastion bat batch batched batches batching Bateson bathes Bathgate Bathory Bathurst baton bats Battenburg Battersea baud Baudelaire Baudot baulked Baumgartner Bavaria Bavarian bawd Baxendale Baxter bay Bayard bayed Bayern bayonetted bazaar BBC be beach beachcombers beached beaches beachy beacon Beaconhurst beaconing beacons Beaconsfield beagles beaker Beamish beancounting Beardmore Bearman beastiality beatings Beatle Beatlemania Beatles beatnik Beaton Beatrice Beatrix beats Beattie Beatty beau Beaubourg Beaujolais Beaulieu Beaumont beautified beaux Becca beck Becker Beckham Becky become becomes becoming bed bedbug bedded bedding bedecked bedfellows Bedford Bedfordshire Bedhampton Bedouin beds bee Beeb Beeblebrox Beecham Beeching Beeding beef beefed Beefheart beefier beefing beefs beefy Beegees beehive beehives beekeepers been beep beeped beeper beepers beeping beeps beer Beerbohm beerier beeriest beers beery bees beet Beethoven Beethovens beetle Beetlejuice beetles Beeton beetroot beets beg began begat beget begets begonia begot Behan behavior behaviors beheaded behemoth behemoths behoove behooves beige Beijing Beirut Bela Belarus Belfast Belgian Belgique Belgium Belgrade Belgrave Belgravia belie Belize bell Bella Bellamy Belle belled Belling Bellingham bellows Belorussia Belorussian Belsize Belushi Bemer bemoan Ben Benares Benatar Benchley Bendix Benedict benefactor benefactors beneficence Benelux Benetton Bengal Bengali benignly Benin Benito Benjamin Benji Benny Benoist bent Bentley Bentleys Benz benzene benzine Beowulf bequeath bequeathable bequeathed bequeather bequeathing bequeaths bequest bereavement bereft beret berets Berg Bergen Berger Bergkamp berk Berkhamsted Berkshire Berle Berlin Berliner Berlioz Bermondsey Bermuda Bernadette Bernard Bernhard Bernice Bernie Bernoldi Bernoulli Bert Bertha Bertie Bertillion Bertolt Bertram Bertrand Berwick Beryl beryllium beset beshrew beshrewed beshrewing beshrews Bess Bessie best bestows bet beta Betamax Betelgeuse Beth Bethany Bethesda Bethlehem Bethnal Bethnal Green bethnalgreen Betjeman betook betray bets Betsy Bettina Betty Beulah Beveridge Beverley Beverly bevvies bevvy bevy beweep Bexhill Bezier beziers BFG bhajis Bhutan Bhutani Bhutto Biafra Biarritz bibilographic Bicester bicyclist Bideford Bidmead big bigamy Bigfoot biggest Biggins Biggleswade Bigglesworth Biggs Bignor bigotry Bilbao Bilbo Billericay billets Billie Billingham Billingsgate Billingshurst billion billionaire billionaires billions billionth billows bills Billy Biloxi Binatone Bing Bingham biologist biosciences Birdham birds birdscarer birdseed birdwatching Birkenhead Birkhamsted Birmingham birthplace Birtwistle bisexual bisexuals bishop bishopric Bismark Bissett bitching bitterest Bixby bizarre bizarrely bizarreness Bizet Bjarne Bjork blab blacken blacklist blacklists Blackpool blacks blacksmith blacksmiths blacktail blackwash blackwashed blackwashes blackwashing bladder bladdered blade blades blag blagged blagger blaggers blah Blair Blaise Blake Blamire Blanchet blandly blaspheme blasphemous blasphemously blast blatently Blenheim Blenkinsop Bletchley blimp blindfolded blissfully blister blistered blockaded blockading blockages blockings Bloemfontein Bloodnok bloodsucking Bloomsbury blow blowfish blowjob blowjobs blubber bludgeoning bludgeons blue bluebell bluebells blueberry bluebird blueish bluesy blunder blunderbuss blunders blunt blunted blunter bluntly blur blurb blurbs blurp blurred blurring blurry blurs blurt blurted blurting blurts blush blushes bluster blusters blustery Blyth Blythe BMW boardrooms boast Boateng Bobby Bochum Bodmin Boeing boffin Bogart bogey bogging boggling Bognor Bogota bogusly Boillot Boise Bolam Bolero Boleyn Bolivar Bolivia Bolivian bollixed Bollywood bolognese Bolsover bolstered boltgun Bolton bolts bomb Bombadil Bombadillo bombards bombast Bombay bonanza Bonaparte bondsperson boneheads bongo bonk Bonn bonsai bonuses boogie bookmaking bookshelf Boole Boolean Booleans boomerang boomerangs boon boondocks boondoggle Boosey boost booth Boothferry booths booting bootlaces Bootle bootleg bootleggers bootlegs Bordeaux Borehamwood Borgia Borgias Boris Borland Borneo boron Boroughbridge borrowed borrowers borrowing borrowings borscht Bosch Bosham Bosnia Bosnian Bosnich Bostaph Boston Bostonians Bostrom Bostwick Bosworth botanist botches Botswana Botticelli Boudicca Boulogne boundedness Bournemouth Bovis bowdlerization Bowery Bowie Bowness bows bowsprit box boxy boy boycott boycotted boycotting boycotts Boyzone bozo bozoness bozos bra Brabham Bracklesham Bracknell Brad Bradfield Bradford Bradley Bradman Bradshaw Brady brag braggadocio braggart braggartism bragged bragger braggers bragging braggingly brags brahman Brahms Braille Braintree brainwash Braithwaite brander Brando bratwurst Brauchitsch Braun Braunton bravest brazen Brazil Brazilian Brazilians Brazzaville bread breadbox breadcrumb breads breadthless breakfast breakouts breast breasts breathes Brechin Brecht Breckenridge Bremen Brenda Brendan Brennan Breslaw Brest Brett Breville Brezhnev Bridget Bridlington Bridport briefest Brigid Brillo Brisbane briskly bristly British Britishness brittleness broadens broadsheets Broderbund brogues broiler brokenly brolley bromide Bronx Brooking Bros brothel browbeat brown Browne Bruce Brucie Brundle Bryony Buchan Bucharest Budapest budgerigars Budweiser buff bufferable Buford bugaboo Bugatti bugbears bugfixed bugfixes buggeration bugginess Buglass bugle bugleboy bugler buglet buglets Bulgariabulkiest bullion bullshit bunched bunching bungled Bunsen BUPA bureaucratically burglars burritos burstier bushed Bushnell busied busk butchered Butlins buttermilk buyers buzby buzzard buzzards buzzcocks Byelorussia Byrne cab cabbie caber cack Cadbury Caddick caddyless Cadell Cadiz Caerphilly caesium Cagney Cairns cakewalk Calais calcium Calcutta Caldera Calderdale Caleb Caledonia Caledonian Caledonians calendar calendrical calf calfed Calgary Calhoun Caliban calico California Californian Californians Caligari Callaghan Callahan Callas callbacks calligraphic calligraphy Calum Calvert Calvin calypso Camberwell cambric camcorder Camden camel Camelot camels camembert Cameroon Camilla Camille camomile Campari Campbell Canada Canadian Canadians Canaria Canarias Canaveral Canberra cancellers Candace Candice candidacy candy canister cannery Cannes cannibals canonicalizes cant cantaloupe cantankerous cantata Canterbury Canton Cantona Cantonese Canuck Canucks canyon canyons capacitated Capaldi capella caper capers capon Capone Capra capriciously captioned car Caracciola caramel caramels carbohydrates carbon carbonaceous carbonara carbonate carbonated carbonation carbonisation carbonise carbonised carbons carboxylic carbureted carburetor carburetors carcass carcasses carcinogenicity carcinogens card cardamom cardboard cardboards carded cardholder cardiac Cardiff Cardigan Cardiganshire cardiogenic cardiological cardiologist cardiologists cardiology cardiopulmonary cardiotheatre cardiovasclar cardiovascular caregiver caregivers caregiving carets Carfax Caribbean caries Carisbrooke Carl Carla Carlisle Carlo Carlos Carlsberg Carly Carlyle Carman Carmarthenshire Carmen Carmichael Carnaby carnally Carnarvon carnation carnet carnivore carnivores carnivorous Carol Carole Carolina Caroline carols Carolyn carouse carousel carp carpal Carraciola Carrera Carrickfergus Carrie carrierless Carrol Carroll carrot carrots carry carrying carryings carryout carryovers cars Carshalton cartesian Cartier cartographers cartographically cartography cartoon cartoonists cartoons cartouches cartridge cartridges carts cartwheels Caruso carve carved carver carvery carves Carvey carving carvings Caryl Casablanca caseless cash cashmere Casimir casino Casio casket Caspian Cassidy Cassiopeia Casterbridge Castilian castling Castro cat Catalan catalog Catalunya catalysing catalysts catastrophical catatonic Cate categorisation catenating Caterham caterpillar catfish Catford Catherine Catherines catheterization Cathie cathode Cathryn Cathy cation cations Catrina Catriona Caucasian cauliflower cautiousness Cavanagh Caxton Cayman Cecil Cecile Cecilia Cecily cedar cedars cedes cedilla Cedric Ceefax celeb Celeron celery Celeste Celia Celine Cellnet cello Celsius Celt Celtic Celts cembalino cent Centauri centenary centennial center centime centiminutes centipede centipedes Centrica Centronics cents century CEO cerebral cerebrospinal CERN certifiable certifier certifiers cerulean Cesar cesses Cessna Ceylon Cezanne CFO Chablis chaffinch chaffinches Chaim chalice chalking chamberlain chameleon chamomile champagne championed Chan Chandler Chandrashekar Chaney changings Chantal chanter chants Chapelthorpe Chapeltown Chaplin Chapman chapter char charade Chardonnay Charing Cross charingcross Charlene Charles Charlotte Charnley Charron chartering Charteris charts chary chassis chastising chatback Chatsworth Chattanooga Chatterley chattiness chatty Chaucer cheap cheapo cheapskate cheat cheated cheaters cheating cheats checksumming Cheech cheese cheeseburger cheesecake cheeseplant cheeses cheesiest Cheesman cheetah cheetahs Cheetos Cheever chef Chello Chelmsford Chelsea Cheltenham chemotherapeutics chemotherapy Cheops Chepstow cheque chequebook cheques Cherbourg Cherie Chernenko Chernobyl Cherokee Cheryl Chesapeake Cheshire Chesney Chessington Chessman Chester Chesterfield Cheswick Cheung Chevalier Chevis Chevrolet chewy Cheyenne Chiang Chianti Chicago Chichester chick chickadee chicken chickened chickens chickpeas chicks Chico chicory Chiddingfold Chidham Chidingfold chiffon Chigwell chihuahua chihuahuas Chile Chilean Chiltern Chilterns chime chimera chimeras chimerical chimp chimpanzee chimpanzees chin Chinatown Chinese ching Chinook chipolata Chippendale Chippenham Chipperfield chippy Chirac Chiron chiropody chiropractic chiropractor chiropractors chiropracty Chiswick chlamydia Chloe chlorate chlorosulphonic chocolate chocolates Chomsky Chong Chopra choreographer Chorlton Choudhury chowns Chris Christchurch Christina Christine Christopher chromakey chromatic chromatically chromaticities chromaticity chromatics chromic chronometry chrysalis chrysanthemum Chrysler chub Chubb chubby chucked chug chugging Chumbawamba chunder Chuzzlewit cicada Ciccone Cicely cichlid cichlids cider Cincinatti Cincinnati cinder Cinderella Cindy Cinematronics cinnamon ciphered circuitous circulates circulations circumcised circumciser circumcision circumcisions circumnavigate circumnavigated circumnavigates circumnavigating circumnavigation Cirencester CISC Cisco Citicorp Citrix Citroen citrus cittern Clacton claimer Clair Claire Clairol clambered clamoring clamour clamouring clampers Clampitt clams Clapham clapped Clapton Clara Clare Clarence claret Clarice clarinet clarinets Claris Clarissa Clark Clarke Clarksville classiest Claude Claudette Claudia Claudio clausal clavichord clavichords claviers clearable Clearasil Cleese Cleethorpes cleft Clement Cleo Cleopatra Clerkenwell Cleveland Clifford Clifton climatology Clinique Clint Clinton Clippit clippy clippys clitoral clitoris clitorises Clive cloners Clooney close cloudy Clovelly Clovis clown clowns cludge clumsy clunk clunked Clutterbuck Clwyd Clyde Clydesdale CMOS CNN coals coarsen coat Coates coaxial cobbling Cobham COBOL cobra Coburn cobwebs Cochrane cock cockamamie cockatoo cockney cockroaches cocksparrows cocktail cocktails cocoa coconut coconuts cocoon cod coda CODASYL codec codger codifies Coe coelacanth coelacanths Coen coffee coffees Coffey cognac cognate cognisant cognitively Cognos cogwheel Cohen coinstallers Colbert Colchester Coldplay Cole Coleclough Coleco Coleridge Coletta Colgate Colin collaboratory collectives Colleen Collette collie Colliergate Collins Collis colloquialism colluding Colombia Colombian color Colorado coloratura colored colorful coloring colors colour colt Coltrane colts Columbia Columbian Columbine Columbus Colwyn coma combatted Combe Martin comet cometh comets commandeer commanders commends commercialised Commie Commies committeemen Commodores commonalities commutable commutativity Como Compaq compartmentalized compendia compendiums complainers complementary complex complies compliments Compo composition compositional compositions comprehending comprehension Compuserve computer computerese computerisation Computervision con Conan concatenations conceivers conceptional concert concertina concerto concertos concerts conciliation concocted concomitantly concurrence concurrences condo condor conductance confederacies configurers conformed confounder confounds conga congesting congestive congests Congleton Congo congregated congruency conjectures conjoining conjoints conjugates conjugating Connecticut connectivities Connery Connick Connie Connolly Connor Connors connotation Conor Conrad Conran conscript conservators consoled consonance consortiums Constance Constellar constricted constricting consumptive contagious containee content contentedly contessa contextless contingents continuable contradict contrasty contrition convergency convolutions convolves convoy Conway coolie coot Copeland Copenhagen copiously copped copperpot Coppola cops copse copses copycats copyright Corel Corelli coresident corgi Corinna Corinne Coriolanus corks cormorant cormorants corn cornamuse cornbread Cornelia cornerstone cornet cornett cornetti cornettino Cornetto cornfed Cornish Cornwall corollaries Coronel corporatisation correctional correlational correlator correlators correspondently Corrine Corrs corruptible Corsa Corsica Corsican Corvette Cosgrave Cosham Cosmo cosmologic cosmological cosmologically cosmologist cosmologists cosmology cosmos cosponsors cossacks Costa Rica Costello costless costliest Cosworth Cottingham Cottingley cougar Coulthard countable counteracts counterbalancing counterintuitively counterpoise coup coups courgette courgettes Courtenay Courtney Cousteau Coutts Covent Garden Coventry covetous cow coward cowardice cowardly cowards cowbell cowboy cowboys Cowdrey cowed cowered cowering cowers Cowes cowgirls cowherd cowl cowlick cowling cowls coworkers cows cowshed cowsheds cowslip cowslips coyote coyotes CPU CPUs crabs cracksman Craddock Craig cranberries cranberry crannies crapola crater crawfish Crawley crayfish crazies creases creasing creator credibly Crediton Creole crestfallen cretaceous Crete cretinously Crewe cribbing Cricklewood crikey criticism criticisms Croat Croatia Croatian croissant croissants Cromer Cromwell Cronje Cronkite crosscompilation crosscompiling Crossley crow crowd crows Croydon crucify crumhorn crumhorns Crunchie Crusoe crustacean crux crybabies cryogenically cryptanalyse cryptographical cryptological cryptologists crypts Cthulu Cuba Cuban Cubans cuddle Cujo culminates Culpepper Cumberland Cumbria Cumbrian Cumming Cunnah cunning cunningly cunt Cuprinol Curacao cures curfew curia curing curio curiosities curiosity curlew curlews curmudgeon currants currentness curtailing Curtis Cushing cutes Cuthbert Cuthbertson cutlets cwm Cwmbran cwms cyan cyanates cyanide cyanides cybercops Cyberdyne cyberhighway cyberholics cybermedia cybersex Cybersitter cyberslackers cyberslacking cyberslur cyborgs cygnet Cygnus Cyndi Cynthia cypress cypresses Cyprus Cyril Cyrillic cyst cystic Czech Czechoslovakia Czechoslovakian Czechozlovakia Czechs dad Daedalus Daewoo daffodil Dafoe dafter Dagenham daggers Daglish dahlia Daihatsu Daimler Dakar Dakota dalek Dales Dallas Daltrey Dalyell Damascene Damascus Damian Damilola Damon Dan Dana dandelion Dando danged Daniel Daniela Daniele Daniella Danielle Danish Dankworth Danny Danone Dante Danube Danzig Daphne Darcey Darcy Dario Darleen darlin Darlington Darmstadt Darracq Darragh Darrel Darrell Darren Darryl Darryn Dartford Dartmoor Dartmouth Darussalam Darwin datagrams dataless datamining datedness Datsun daughterboards Dave Davenport Daventry David Davidson Davies Davis Davros dawns Dawson daycare Dayton Daz dBase de Longhi deaggregate deaggregates deaggregation deaggregator Deanna Deanne Deansgate deasserted deasserting deassertion Debbie Debian Deborah Debra Debussy decapsulated decapsulators Decca December deciders deciduous decimally declaim declassified decollating decommission decomposable decompresser decompressible deconstructed deconstructors decor decors decreasingly decriminalisation decry decrying decryptions Dee deencapsulate deencapsulation Deeside defector defenestrate defibrillator defiltering definiteness definitional deflectors Defoe defragged defrauds defray Degas degauss degeneration deglitch deglitching deify Deighton Deirdre Del Delage Delahaye Delaney Delaware delegatable delegatee delegatees delegators Delhi Delia Delilah delimeted delimitors deliniate delinks delirium Della deLonghi Delores demagoguery demangler demangles demasqueraded demeanor Demis demo demodulated demodulates demonstratively demotion Dempster demultiplexor denary Denbighshire Denby denim Denis Denise Denison Denmark
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bookmaker apprenticeships video

Casino Backoff for Card Counting - Blackjack Apprenticeship How to avoid being limited/suspended by bookmakers HOW TO BET ON SPORTS AND MAKE MONEY EVERY WEEK Cash Out Sports How To Gamble With A Bookie At A Racecourse Happy Hour Tip-Off - College Basketball Picks and Predictions for Wednesday, December 4 Buffalo Gold Slot Bonus 62 Spin Hand Pay High Limit $36 ... Jianbin Chen - YouTube +EV Guide to Matched Betting - YouTube

After peaking in the 1960s apprenticeships entered a slow decline, with half as many apprentices in employment in 1995 as there were in 1979. Reform – the introduction of Modern Apprentices: 1993–2004. A new apprenticeships scheme called “Modern Apprenticeships” was announced in 1993 and rolled out over the following two years. Bookmaker Alternative titles for this job include Bookie, turf accountant, betting shop manager. ... guide to apprenticeships; Work. You could start in a betting shop as a cashier then take training on the job to become a supervisor or betting shop manager. Direct Application. Want a career that's entertaining? Come and get involved with Entain. We have career opportunities and job vacancies all over the world. We’re the global players whose brands you’ll find in local communities, providing responsible sports betting and gaming that makes the world’s biggest live events even more memorable. The job of a bookmaker is to coordinate and manage the gambling activities of patrons. Most commonly working from a central betting office or sporting location (horse/dog racing track etc.), it is an occupation which tends to draw individuals who possess a personal interest in sports- and more-so in the act of betting. Increasingly, betting takes place online. As an online bookmaker you would spend most of your time at a computer. You might work in a bookmaker’s shop (a licensed betting office), which might be independent or part of a large chain. Modern betting shops are usually bright and airy, with comfortable seating, snacks and refreshments. guide to apprenticeships; Work. You could start in a betting shop as a cashier then take training on the job to become a supervisor or betting shop manager. Direct application. You could apply directly to bookmakers for a trainee manager post. To do this, you'll need GCSEs at grades 9 to 4 (A* to C), including English and maths. The recent sale of Learndirect Apprenticeships Ltd is causing some of its large levy-paying customers to take their business elsewhere, FE Week has learned. William Hill, the world’s biggest bookmaker, has signalled its intention to look for alternative providers to train their apprentices. It is understood that the betting company may transfer its business to… Bookmaker of the Year. 5 Consecutive Years. Best Mobile Sports Product. The innovation of our industry-leading products is consistently recognised and we frequently receive awards for our world-class sites and Sports app, which include a range of market-leading features to enhance the customer experience. Join us at William Hill in one of our many retail jobs or within one of our development cells, working in Technology. The careers in our shops offer great benefits and are UK-wide. You could also join us in a bookies job but within Technology across Leeds or London. Time Bookmaker jobs. Sort by: relevance - date. Page 1 of 136 jobs. Displayed here are job ads that match your query. Indeed may be compensated by these employers, helping keep Indeed free for jobseekers. Indeed ranks Job Ads based on a combination of employer bids and relevance, such as your search terms and other activity on Indeed.

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Casino Backoff for Card Counting - Blackjack Apprenticeship

Cash Out Sports is a place where you can buy and bet. The betting site is for sports fans that enjoy the excitement of online gaming without risking any of their own money. Its a website designed ... A how to video on How To Gamble With A Bookie At A Racecourse that will improve your betting and horse racing, vj no google ad, vj no overlay ad skills. Learn how to get good at betting and horse ... New to Matched Betting? checkout our newbies quick video to the very basics of Matched Betting, please subscribe to our channel for more advanced videos whic... This tutorial shows How to avoid being limited/suspended by bookmakers. Bookmakers hate it when you win so you need to stay under the radar. See link below for more information o how to make more ... Please note that any bookmaker opening offers were correct at the date of publication of this video. View our current list of the top 10 bookmakers in the UK... HOW TO BET ON SPORTS, with the Knowledge is power and in sports betting or how to bet on sports!! you need all the power you can get! So here is your chance to learn all about ... Colin is one of the Pros from Blackjack Apprenticeship, as well as the subject of the documentary "Holy Rollers: The True Story of Card Counting Christians."... I'm an Electrician and an Electrical Apprenticeship Professor in Toronto, Canada who loves all things to do with Motor Control, Process Control, Arduino, PLC's, Electro CHANNEL; Subscribe ... Hit this at Cosmopolitan Las Vegas with VegasMonkey from Get your daily fix of College Basketball picks and odds with Joe Raineri and Ralph Michaels on the Happy Hour Tip-Off show. Monday through Friday our panel of expert handicappers break down the ...

bookmaker apprenticeships

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